
Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Submit Blog in Yahoo

This tutorial explains on how to submit your site and its feed in Yahoo.

Step 1: Login to using your yahoo id. If you don’t have, create it.

Step 2: Enter your site and then Click Add My Site.

Step 3: There are two ways to verify your site. The simplest way is to add the Meta tag generated for you in your blog under the head tag. And then click the Read to Authenticate.

Step 4: After the site has been verified, go to the site that you added and then click the Feeds link. Enter the sitemap xml and click Add Feed.

Submit Blog Sitemap in Bing

Step 1: Login to . If you don’t have id, create it.  Click on the “Add Site” button which is on the homepage of the webmaster. Enter your site URL in the pop up and then click submit.

Step 2: To verify the ownership of the site, just copy the Meta tag which is given in the “Option 2”. Go to your blog and Edit the html and paste it under the head tag. Once you added the Meta tag, click Verify.
This will take some time to crawl your site.

Step 4: once you successfully added your site, go to Crawl tab and then click Add Feed which will pop up a window. Enter your sitemap xml URL and submit it.
That’s all. You have successfully submitted your blog sitemap in Bing.

Submit Blog in Google

This tutorial explains on how to submit your blog and its feed in Google.

Step 1: Log into Google webmaster with your Google account. If you don’t have Google account, create it.

Step 2: Click on the Add a site button and then add your site.

Step 3: Verify the ownership of your blog by following any one the method explained. Simple way is to copy paste the Meta tag on your blog.  Once you added the Meta tag, click on the verify button.

Step 4:  After your site has been verified, click on the Sitemaps link under the Site configuration.  Click on the Submit a Sitemap button and then add your sitemap URL.

That’s all. You have successfully added your sitemap. Wait for Google webmaster to crawl your website.

Related Articles:

Submit Blog in

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Submit Blog in Technorati

This tutorial explains on how to submit your blog in the Technorati Site.

My Technorati claim token: U8YUHZB4P55Y

Step 1: Log into If you haven’t an account, create it.

Step 2: Go to your account At the bottom of the page, you can find a section to add your blog. Enter your blog URL and click Claim.

Step 3: Enter all the necessary information to claim the blog and click “Proceed to next step” which will be at the bottom of the page.

Step 4: The Technorati will send you mail about the claim Token. Create a post on your blog and add this token in the body of the post.  Once you complete this, go to your Technorati account, and click the “Check Claim” button.

That’s all. You have successfully submitted your blog in Technorati.

Monday, August 15, 2011

Delete Facebook Page

This tutorial explains how to delete a Facebook page that you have add on your Facebook account.

Step 1: Log into your Facebook Account.

Step 2: You can see the “Pages link” on the left side of your Facebook homepage. It can be easily identified by a flag symbol. If you have only one page, the page name will be shown instead of “Pages”.

Click on that link which will list out all the pages that you have added on your Facebook.  Click on the page that you wish to delete.

Step 4:  Click on the Edit page and then click on the Manage Permissions tab.  At the bottom of the page, you can see a link: Delete page - Permanently delete XXXX where XXXX is your page name.

Click on that link which will open a confirmation dialog box. Click delete button.
That’s all. You have successfully deleted your fan page.

Sunday, August 14, 2011

Create Facebook page

How to create a page in Facebook?

Step 1: Login to Facebook with your account.

Step 2: Click on this link to create a page

Step 3: Click on any link which suites to your page. Here I want to create a page for my Favorite Books, so I have selected the Entertainment template. Add profile photo and fill up basic information required for your page. That’s all. You have created a Facebook Page successfully.


Add Facebook app to facebook page

How to add Facebook App that you created to your Facebook page?

Step 1: Login to with your Face book account. Once you login, you can see your apps home page where all your apps will be listed out.

Step 2:  Click on the app which you wish to add on your Facebook page. And then click on the Edit button which is on right side of the Settings.

Step 3: Once you click on the edit button, you will navigate to the Applications profile page. Click on the “View App Profile Page” link.

Step 4: Click on the “Add to my page” link which will pop a window and list all the pages that you have already created. Select the page and close the window. Now you have successfully added your application into your page.

How to add Facebook Developer App?

How to add Facebook Developer Application to your account?

Step 1: Log into Facebook with your account.

Step 2: Click on the below link to add the developer application into your account

Step 3: This application will ask permission to access your account information. Click on the “Allow” button.

Now you have successfully added the Developer Application on your account. The home page of your developer apps will be like this.

Monday, August 8, 2011

Linux Command - xsltproc

Xsltproc – It is a Unix/Linux command line tool to transform the XML file into an Html or XML file.

# xsltproc  [OPTIONS]  stylesheet-file  input-xml-file

# xsltproc  - -output  books.html books.xsl books.xml


XSL stands for "Extended style sheet". It is a style sheet for xml file.

XSLT stands for "XSL for Transformations".  It is a tool to transform XML document into an Html document or into other type of XML documents.

In the below example, the xml file is transformed into an HTML file using the XSL file.

Here is a sample XML file which describes the books and its author.
 <book price="$35" author="Kathy Sierra">The Head First EJB</book>
 <book price="$18" author="Martin Fowler">UML Distilled </book>
 <book price="$27" author="Bill Dudney">Mastering Java Server Faces </book>

Consider we want to translate the above XML into below Html file.
 <div id="books">
   <li><b>The Head First EJB:</b> $35 : Kathy Sierra</li>
   <li><b>UML Distilled: $18 :</b> Martin Fowler </li>
   <li><b>Mastering Java Server Faces:</b> $27 : Bill Dudney </li>

Here is the XSLT file which converts the XML file into above HTML format.
<?xml version="1.0"?>

<!-- Include this tag, so that it will be identified as a XSL stylesheet -->
<xsl:stylesheet version="1.0"

<!--This tag tells that the output should be transformed into Html-->
<xsl:output method="html"/>

<!-- This template processes the root node i.e / -->
<xsl:template match="/">
  <title>My Favourite Books</title>
  <div id="books">
    <!-- Apply a template to process each book tag -->
    <xsl:apply-templates select="books/book"/>

<!-- Template to process book tag -->
<xsl:template match="book">
  <!-- Get the value of the text node -->
  <b><xsl:value-of select="." /> :</b>
  <!-- Get the value of the price attribute -->
  <xsl:value-of select="@price" /> :
  <!-- Get the value of the author attribute -->
  <xsl:value-of select="@author" /> 