- 1. What are the different editors in Linux to edit files?
- 1. ed
- 2. vi
- 3. vim
- 4. pico
- 2. How to open a file in vi editor?
- Syntax
- # vi file-name
- Example:
- # vi names.txt
- 3. How to quit a file?
- Example:
- Vi names.txt – Open a file in vi editor.
- :q! – If you are in insert mode press escape before you type :q! to quit the editor without saving.
- :wq – Quit vi editor with saving.
- 4. Save commands in vi editor
- q Quit
- :q! Quit without saving
- :qa Quit all fiels opened
- :w Save changes
- :wq Save and quit
- zz Save and quit
Monday, July 4, 2011
Vi Editor Commands