
Sunday, July 10, 2011

Regular Expression in Java

  • What is regular Expression?
    Regular expression is a sequence of characters called as pattern which is used in search operations.
  • Characters used in Regular Expression.
    • .Matches any character
    • ?Matches zero occurrence or only one time.
      Ex: ab? . It matches (a – Zero occurrence of ‘b’) ( ab – One occurrence of ‘b’)
    • *Matches zero or many times.
      Ex: ab*. It matches a, ab, abb, abb
    • +Matches at least one or many times.
      Ex: ab+. It matches ab, abb, abbb
    • X{n,}Matches the character(s) at least n times.
      Ex: a{2}. It matches aa, aaa, aaa
    • X{n,m}Matches the character(s) at least n times and not more that m times.
    • [ ]Matches single character with in the bracket.
      Ex: [ab] matches a or b or c
    • [^ ]Opposite to [ ]. It matches a character which is not in the bracket.
      Ex: [^ab] matches any character other than a and b.
    • ^Beginning of the line
    • $End of the line
  • Character classes used in Regular Expression.
    • [a-z]Matches lowercase alphabets a to z
    • [A-Z]Matches Uppercase alphabets A to Z
    • [a-zA-Z]Matches alphabets
    • [a-zA-Z0-9]Matches Alphanumeric
    • \wAlphanumeric with underscore character [a-zA-Z0-9_]
    • \WNegation of \w. Non word characters. [^\w]
    • [0-9]Digits 0 to 9
    • \dDigits
    • \DNon Digits. [^0-9]
    • \sWhite Space

Validate Alphabets
Example: Simple program to validate alphabets using regular expression.

Validate Digits
Example: Simple program to validate digits using regular expression.

Validate Alpha Numeric
Example: Simple program to validate alpha numeric using regular expression.

Validate Phone no
Example: Simple program to validate phone no using regular expression.

Validate Email Id
Example: Simple program to validate email id using regular expression.