- 1. How to create an empty file?
- Syntax
- # touch file-name
- Example:
- # touch tmp
- The above command creates an empty file.
- 2. How to copy files and directories?
- Syntax
- # cp file1 file2
- Example:
- # cp names.txt emp.txt
- The above command copies content of names.txt to emp.txt if you agree for overwrite.
- # cp -r /opt/dev/project1 /opt/dev/project2
- The above command copies all the contents of project1 directory to project2 directory recursively.
- 3. How to read a file?
- Syntax
- # more file-name
- Example:
- # more /etc/passwd
- The above command reads passwd file
- 4. How to concatenate files?
- Syntax
- # cat file1 file2
- Example:
- # cat /tmp/user-list1.txt /tmp/user-list2.txt > users.txt
- The above command concatenates both users list file and writes into a "users.txt" file.
- 5. How to create a directory?
- Syntax
- # mkdir directory-name
- Example:
- # mkdir downloads
- The above command creates directory named as "downloads"
- # mkdir –p /usr/softwares/downloads
- The above command creates a directory with parent as needed if parent doesn't exist.
- 6. How to change the current directory?
- Syntax
- # cd
- Example:
- # cd /opt/dev/project
- The above command change the current directory to /opt/dev/project
- # cd ../
- Go one level up from the current folder
- 7. How to get current directory path?
- Syntax
- # pwd
- The above command prints the current directory path.
- 8. How to rename a file?
- Syntax
- # mv file1 file2
- Example:
- mv names-list.txt emp-list.txt
- The above command moves the content of "names-list.txt" to emp-list.txt. As Linux doesn't support rename, move command is used.
Monday, July 4, 2011
File related commands